Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Business Internships, SkillBridge, Project search and K-12 Programs

Our department of Diversity and Inclusion looks to attract top talent to Banner Health via our student and veteran programs. The goal of these programs is to provide opportunities for learning and development and promote future leaders in health care.

Business Internships

The Business Internship Program provides students with a paid professional growth and development opportunity in healthcare. The program has a variety of business entity assignments for 10 weeks over the Summer. Fall and Spring are based on the availability and need of the department. These opportunities may be fully remote, hybrid, or at a local Banner facility.

The Business Internship is designed for those currently enrolled in, or recently graduated with a Baccalaureate or Master level degree. The internship will expose students to professional development activities, opportunities to partner with leadership, and hands-on experience to prepare for a career in healthcare. This is a short-term opportunity that allows students to explore the non-clinical space of healthcare.

For more information on the application process, please email [email protected]


The Banner Health Veteran Fellowship is a program in partnership with the Arizona Coalition for Military Families (ACMF) and the Departments of Defense SkillBridge program (DoD SkillBridge). The DoD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for Service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service.

Separating service members can be granted up to 180 days of permissive duty to focus solely on training full-time after unit commander (first O-4/Field Grade commander in chain of command) provides written authorization and approval. Interested service members should contact their Unit Commander for program information and consideration. Once the connection is made, ACMF will work with you to create a plan and connect you to our opportunities. To learn more about resources available and how to get started, please visit

Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH provides real-life work experience combined with training in employability and independent-living skills to help young people with significant disabilities make successful transitions to a productive adult life. The Project SEARCH model involves an extensive period of skills training and career exploration, innovative adaptations, long-term job coaching, and continuous feedback from teachers, skills trainers, and employers. Banner Health’s partnership with Project SEARCH involves facilitating the on-site training program for up to twelve months with the goal of placing the interns in nontraditional, complex and rewarding jobs at our facility. For more information about the program, please visit

K-12 Career Exploration

Banner provides opportunities for student to explore careers in health care. We offer opportunities to partner with CTE programs at high schools, attend career exploration events at schools, and our team members can speak about different careers in health care.