Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Recognition in Nursing

Patients, and even caregivers, often remember their nurses more than any other part of their experience in the hospital because they do much more than administer health care. Nurses also provide comfort, consolation and a calming presence during a difficult time. Nurses truly are the backbone of patient care and enrich our whole community as a result.

Banner Health believes that it is important to recognize and celebrate nurses and highlight their value and contributions to the health care experience. Selfless work shouldn’t be thankless work.

MVP and MVP+ Awards

The MVP  recognition program celebrates everything from everyday wins in nursing to birthdays to going above and beyond what’s expected. Banner team members can easily share their appreciation for one another using MVP eCards. In 2021, we upgraded our recognition program to include MVP+ Awards. This new addition was developed to acknowledge  special contributions in patient care and community building in a more impactful way. Nurses are eligible for MVP+ Awards for making a difference in the lives of our patients and can be nominated by any leader for achievements that rise significantly above our standard of excellence. These awards carry point values that can be redeemed for gift cards or tangible items.

The DAISY Award

The DAISY Award is the highest honor given to Banner nurses. This well-known recognition is highly sought after throughout the nursing community, with over 4,800 healthcare facilities and schools of nursing in all 50 states participating. To be awarded, an individual needs to be nominated. Learn about this honor and the nomination process

A Culture of Recognition

In addition to formal awards and recognition for nurses, we also cultivate a culture that encourages celebrating one another. Plus, we build recognition into every level of the nursing experience, including:

  • Spot awards and pay increases that recognize hard work and dedication
  • Continuing education opportunities that recognize the drive and passion to grow
  • Opportunities to specialize further or develop new specialties that recognize not everyone’s career path is linear
  • Onsite counselors and respite spaces that recognize nursing is not without its difficulties and stressors
  • Channels to amplify nurses’ voices and tell their stories that recognize that their perspective has a crucial role in health care and our community

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